Why Is My Hair Growing So Slow All Of A Sudden?

Why is my hair growing so slow all of a sudden?

But is it growing slowly? While your hair might suddenly slow down growing for a variety of reasons we’ll discuss below, it’s possible there is nothing wrong and it’s growing normally.

Hair grows in cycles comprised of 4 distinct phases:

  • Anagen (growth phase)
  • Catagen (transition phase)
  • Telogen (resting phase)
  • Exogen phase (shedding phase)

When hair enters the exogen phase too quickly it can result in thinning of hair and hair loss.

How Quickly Does Hair Grow?

Hair grows about 0.5 inch per month.

Scalp hair grows about 0.5 inch per month or 6 inches per year. You can expect the same for facial hair in general terms. Eyebrows can take up to 4 full months to grow back completely.

So if you’re seeing scalp and facial hair growth within a range of 0.5 inch per month give or take, in all likelihood there is nothing wrong.

Why Is My Hair Growing So Slow All Of A Sudden

There are reasons why hair growth may slow down, though.

Clogged Pores

Oily skin is the common culprit here but the combined use of pore clogging (comedogenic) products with oily skin makes it difficult for hair to grow.

Poor Diet

We have talked about the importance of biotin and collagen with regards to hair growth, both of which are diet related. We’ve also talked about how essential oils can assist with hair growth. And we’ve also spoken about vitamin D deficiency and how it can impair your health and hair growth. Improving your diet can have a significant impact on hair health, growth and thickness.


The older we get the more likely we are to experience changes in our hair including slower growth and thinning hair leading to hair loss.


Are you under stress at work, school and/or home? Stress-related hair loss is a thing and while it is often reversible, it might be difficult to see results if your stress is ongoing and isn’t dealt with.


Chemotherapy, some acne medication, antidepressants and beta blockers among others can cause hair loss or hair thinning that may cause you to believe your hair is growing slower.

Hair loss

While hair growing slowly is one symptom of a hair-related issue you might face, hair loss is something you may experience as well and there are a number of reasons you might face actual hair loss. Some reasons for hair loss are genetic, some are (poor) diet-related and some might be related to personal hygiene ie. uncleanliness, brushing hair too much or too roughly, etc.


  • Hair grows in a distinct cycle involving four phases listed above.
  • Scalp and facial hair generally grows about 0.5 inch per month. Eyebrows may take up to 4 months to fully regrow.
  • Hair growth can legitimately slow down due to age but also due to clogged pores, poor diet, and stress among other reasons.

Have you experienced slow hair growth and if so, how did you deal with it?

Carl Mueller

I'm a bald guy with beard (goatee) who blogs about shaving, head shaving, style and grooming ideas for men.

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