Which Essential Oil Is Best For Hair Growth And Thickness?

Essential oils can assist with hair growth.

Essential oils are increasingly used by men in various shaving and skincare products. Men are becoming more educated on natural products and what they can do for their skin and health in general.

While Minoxidil (ROGAINE) and Finasteride (Propecia) are the only two products approved by the FDA to deal with male pattern baldness, nature has given us natural ingredients and foods that we can consume to at least assist in hair growth. The important part is to separate facts from hype.

Let’s take a look at which essential oil is best for hair growth and thickness. (The good news: There’s more than one!)

Which Essential Oil Is Best For Hair Growth And Thickness?

Which essential oil is best for hair growth and thickness?

There are actually a number of essential oils that may help hair growth. Here are a list and why each might help in that regard.


Lavender oil has been touted as an essential oil that may assist with the hair growth process. In fact there is research evidence to suggest that lavender oil has hair growth ability. Test results indicated that lavender oil:

has a marked hair growth-promoting effect, as observed morphologically and histologically.



Peppermint is a widely available and well-known ingredient used in many applications like cosmetics, gum, breath mints and even gastric-related products (antacids) among others. Research has also proven that peppermint oil has a positive effect in the early (anagen) stage of hair growth. Specifically, peppermint oil:

induces a rapid anagen stage and could be used for a practical agent for hair growth without change of body weight gain and food efficiency.



Although not conclusive, a 2013 study suggested that rosemary oil may help to prevent DHT from attacking hair follicles. A second study in 2015 compared rosemary oil to 2% strength Minoxidil which was the first ingredient approved by the FDA for hair growth for men on the scalp.


Cedarwood has long been touted for its antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and antifungal properties among others. But a small 1998 study also suggested that cedarwood oil when combined with other oils and used in a massage may have hair growth abilities.


In addition to being touted as an anti-dandruff treatment, research suggests that lemongrass has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties that while not necessarily helping hair to grow per se, may help to fight hair loss due to inflammation, a secondary reason for hair loss next to genetics.


Thyme is well understood to stimulate blood flow which in general terms may assist hair growth. Specifically there is some evidence to suggest that thyme can assist with dandruff, hair growth and thinning hair. Thyme may be another essential oil whose hair growth properties (as this linked article suggests) may assist with hair growth when used in conjunction with other essential oils like rosemary, cedarwood and lavender.

Clary Sage

Not to be confused with common sage, clary sage contains linalyl acetate like lavender does, which is believed to assist in hair growth. Clary sage is also proven to have sebum-controlling and antimicrobial properties. Sebum is also known as oil that appears on your skin so if you have oily skin, clary sage might help to control it. And excessively oily skin leads to clogged pores which can impact hair growth and your ability to maintain clear skin.

Tea Tree

Tea tree oil is an essential oil that has received significant attention and is easily found in a number of commercially available products like shaving creams, shampoos (including anti dandruff products), face masks, concealers as well as 100% pure oils on their own. Known for its ability to unclog hair follicles while offering antimicrobial and antiseptic properties, a 2013 study showed that combining tea tree oil with Minoxidil was more effective for hair growth than using Minoxidil alone:

A multimodal microemulsion comprising minoxidil, diclofenac, and tea tree oil was significantly superior to minoxidil alone. 


Saw Palmetto

Saw palmetto is believed to have a number of positive health related properties for men particularly related to prostate health. Although there is some evidence to suggest that saw palmetto may have hair-related benefits when combined with other oils, the current evidence is somewhat suspect and not definitive. And it’s fair to say that saw palmetto does not work as well as Finasteride (Propecia) for hair growth.

Non-Essential Oils And Foods

Is Collagen Or Biotin Better For Hair Growth?
Food and other oils that aren’t essential oils can also assist with hair growth. Biotin is found in a number of foods like eggs and salmon. Collagen is naturally produced in our body. Both assist with hair growth.


Biotin is a water-soluble vitamin also known as vitamin H so you can simply consume it with water and don’t need to worry about taking it with a meal. Biotin is an important building block in our body particularly related to hair, nails and skin. It is naturally occurring in a number of red meats, salmon, eggs, nuts and seeds, as well as some green vegetables. So while increasing your biotin intake – or at least assuring that it is at an acceptable level – can help your hair growth, it can also help your overall bodily functions too.


Collagen is a protein found in our bodies that provides a number of important benefits related to skin elasticity, bone denseness as well as joint, back and knee health. Our body produces less collagen as we age which is why you see people consider collagen supplements typically in tablet form as they age. While collagen supplements won’t necessarily assist hair growth, a lack of collagen can impair hair growth.

Horsetail plant oil

Horsetail plant oil is known to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Advocates of Horsetail plant oil suggest that the silica it contains and the positive effect the oil has on collagen lead to hair growth benefits. The most recent 2019 research is inconclusive and suggests that more research is necessary but it’s worth keeping an eye on this oil until more definitive results can be shown.

And if none of these work….shave it off.


  • A number of essential oils have positive research results suggesting a positive correlation with hair growth when incorporating their use, in some cases with other essential oils as shown above.
  • In particular lavender, peppermint and rosemary have positive research suggesting that each have hair growth abilities.
  • Tea tree oil has positive research suggesting that when combined with Finasteride (known commercially as Propecia) it can have a more positive impact that just Finasteride alone.
  • Biotin and collagen are both known to have an impact on hair growth. Biotin is found naturally in foods like beef liver and chicken liver, eggs, salmon and some green vegetables. Collagen is produced by our body but decreases in production as we age which is why some people opt for collagen supplements as they get older.

What essential oil(s) do you use in your life and have you noticed an improvement in hair growth as a result? Let us know in the comments section below.

Carl Mueller

I'm a bald guy with beard (goatee) who blogs about shaving, head shaving, style and grooming ideas for men.

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