Wilkinson Sword Shaving Cream Review

Wilkinson Sword shaving cream review

Here is my Wilkinson Sword shaving cream review based on my first experiences with this product. I bought the product for about $1.50 for a tube which is shown in the picture above. It came packaged in a paper box.

Upon squeezing some of the cream from the tube onto my hand and applying it to my face, I noticed two immediate differences from the Palmolive shaving cream tube product I’ve been using recently:


The Wilkinson Sword shaving cream doesn’t go on the skin as greasy as the Palmolive Classic shaving cream. The Wilkinson Sword shaving cream feels like a cream soap and isn’t thin but it doesn’t feel as slick as the Palmolive one. Just an observation not a complaint.

I used about the same amount to cover my face as I did with the Palmolive shaving cream so I have to say the products are comparable in that regard.


The Wilkinson Sword shaving cream doesn’t smell as strong as the Palmolive one. The Palmolive shaving cream has a strong scent even after you’ve shaved and wiped it from your skin which I quite like. I didn’t notice as strong a smell from the Wilkinson Sword product. Again, just an observation.

The Wilkinson Sword shaving cream is white whereas the Palmolive shaving cream is green given its Palm Extract scent.

Shaving Experience

As far as the shaving experience, I have to say that I don’t notice a difference between this product and the Palmolive Classic shaving cream in a tube that I’d been using for the prior two months or so.

The Wilkinson Sword shaving cream doesn’t lather up which didn’t surprise me. It’s from a tube not a pressurized can so there isn’t going to be any foaming like from a canned, pressurized shaving cream can. But it doesn’t go on the skin easily and covers the face easily.

Another difference I did notice upon shaving relates again to the slickness as compared to Palmolive. The Wilkinson Sword shaving cream came right off my skin when I shaved. Each stroke took the whiskers and shaving cream off my skin. By the time I was done shaving I really only had to wipe away a small amount of shaving cream that remained.

With the Palmolive shaving cream, I had to rinse my face each time after shaving to remove excess cream. Again, it stays on the skin much more so than the Wilkinson Sword product and is slicker and greasier. It goes on like a very slick soap and doesn’t easily wipe off.

I’m going to happily keep using the Wilkinson Sword shaving cream on my head and face. Based on what I’ve experienced though, when it’s time to replace the product I think I’ll go back to Palmolive. The Palmolive shaving cream in a tube is slightly cheaper but I do prefer the nice smell and the slickness of the Palmolive Classic shaving cream over Wilkinson Sword’s product.

Carl Mueller

I'm a bald guy with beard (goatee) who blogs about shaving, head shaving, style and grooming ideas for men.

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