5 Awesome Tips For Dandruff On Bald Head Prevention

Instant Solutions For Dandruff On Bald Head Prevention

Can you get dandruff even when you shave your head?

Yes, you can get dandruff when you shave your head. Here are some instant solutions for dandruff on bald head prevention and maintenance.

Dandruff on bald headed guys is definitely a thing. While a medicated shampoo such as Head and Shoulders, Selsun Blue or Neutrogena T/Gel for oily skin may clear up your dandruff on its own, there are underlying reasons you get dandruff you should consider first.

Contrary to popular belief, dandruff doesn’t occur because of dirty hair but typically because of other reasons.

What Causes Dandruff And Itchy Scalp

Oily skin

Overly oily skin is more prevalent in men than in women. While common in teenagers it isn’t unusual to experience oily skin well into adulthood too.

Solution: Wash your face and scalp with a face wash but avoid oil-based washes and anything with alcohol (aftershave) as it conversely can dry the skin. Avoid overwashing your skin as this can lead to your body producing more oil. Washing once in the morning and once before bed should suffice. Avoid comedogenic oils like coconut oil that can clog pores.

Dry skin

Skin can become dry when you wash too much and remove the natural oil that keeps our skin moist and from drying out. So if you have oily skin and wash too frequently you might end up causing your body to produce even more oil, or you may dry out your skin.

Dry skin also tends to occur more frequently in winter and cold, dry weather. Chronic dehydration also leads to dry skin.

Solution: Moisturize your skin with a scalp-specific lotion. Use a lotion after shaving your head. Avoid alcohol-based aftershaves and lotions can dry the skin too. Use a humidifier during cold, dry winter months to keep the air moist. Avoid using soap which can dry the skin. Stay hydrated.

Itchy skin

When your skin becomes dry it can lead to itchiness. The more you itch the more likely you are to loosen dead skin and create flakes on your scalp.

Solution: Try to avoid itching your scalp and skin as much as possible. Using the previously-mentioned suggestions like washing with the proper products and moisturizing will help.

Other skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis

Eczema is a condition where the skin becomes red and inflamed and crusts over, generally on the face and scalp but on other areas of the body too. Psoriasis exists as red bumps that grow on the skin particularly on the scalp, back, elbows and knees. Since either condition can affect the scalp, either than cause further flaking of the skin.

Solution: For chronic issues like these, see a doctor specifically a dermatologist to get an answer specific to your situation.

Sunburned skin

Speaking from experience, overexposure to the sun doesn’t cause dandruff per se but it does lead to flaking of the skin when you go outside without sun protection on your scalp and then badly sunburned, leading to flaking dead skin. It may take several days of moisturizing and covering your scalp from the sun before your skin has healed.

Solution: Wear sunscreen on your bald head even during the winter. Bright, sunny days in the winter are hard on the skin! Wear a hat during long periods in the direct sun, too.

Conclusion: Dandruff On Bald Head Prevention

  • Dandruff on bald head prevention involves tackling the source of the dandruff as mentioned in detail above.
  • Dandruff is oily flaky skin that appears in your hair and often on the shoulders of your shirt and coat.
  • Dandruff on bald head prevention starts with figuring out the underlying cause(s).
  • Major causes of dandruff include very oily skin, dry skin, itchy skin, eczema and psoriasis.
  • A sunburned head will also lead to flaky skin but isn’t dandruff per se.
  • A medicated shampoo such as Head and Shoulders, Selsun Blue or Neutrogena T/Gel for oily scalp may clear up dandruff without a visit to the doctor.
  • WebMD has some helpful suggestions to deal with dandruff in a slide format.

What do you do for dandruff on bald head prevention? Is lice also a problem for you? Let us know in the comments below!

Carl Mueller

I'm a bald guy with beard (goatee) who blogs about shaving, head shaving, style and grooming ideas for men.

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