Should You Shave In The Morning Or At Night?

How to clean a razor blade for shaving

Should you shave in the morning or at night or is it simply a matter of personal preference?

Why even ask this question? I mean, isn’t shaving in the morning the “normal” way to do things?

When you lie down and go to bed for 7-8 hours or more, fluids accumulate in your head which has the effect of making your face puffy. It’s also the reason you might see bags under your eyes even if you aren’t tired when you get up and got enough sleep.

This is why some men swear by shaving at anytime during the day other than the morning.

At a minimum, waiting at least 30 minutes to shave after waking up may help you shave better and reduce the chances you cut yourself. Give your body a chance to flush the fluids from your face after you wake up and stand upright.

As an aside, there are women who recommend shaving their legs at night before they go to bed and avoiding morning shaving. In this instance, it has to do with body temperature and fluid build up which are both lower at night. Again, when you lie in bed for hours, fluids build up and body temperature tends to go up underneath the sheets and in pajamas.

So it isn’t just a question for men to think about especially when science and lifestyle are involved.

Having said that, what is better. A morning shave or shaving at night?

Shaving in the morning

Should You Shave In The Morning Or At Night?
Is shaving in the morning better for you?

Suitable for guys who wake up in the morning for work, school, etc.

Tradition. You’re used to doing it at this time, you get it out of the way and you like the feeling of a freshly shaved, smooth face (and scalp if you shave your head). Nothing wrong with that.

You’re a morning person. You’re perfectly fine taking a razor to your skin first thing in the morning. You might not have the time or desire to shave at night, too.

You can shave during/after a shower. If you shave in the shower or directly afterwards, your whiskers are already soft and your skin is moist from the hot water and steam. It’s already part of your morning routine.

You grow hair quickly. The term 5 O’Clock shadow features a picture of you in the dictionary. If you grow facial hair quickly you may not notice until the end of the day but maybe it bothers you. If you do grow facial hair quickly, you don’t want to look like you haven’t shaved since the night before.

Shaving at night

Shaving at night.
Maybe night shaving is better for you?

Suitable for guys who work night shift or who have night classes and are in bed during the morning. Also, guys who may not need to shave everyday due to light facial hair growth.

Not a morning person. Not everyone is at their best first thing in the morning. Some guys need a coffee or five to wake up and let’s face it…you want to be alert when putting a razor to your skin.

Less fluid build up in your face. Assuming you don’t wake up late and immediately shave, if you’ve been up and active for at least several hours, the blood and other fluids have had a chance to flush from your face. This can result in a better shave as your face is less puffy and also less susceptible to cuts.

No rush. If you rush in the morning to get ready, perhaps you could use a bit more time for shaving. That way there’s less chance of cutting yourself as you quickly get ready. If you do cut yourself, you have more time to take care of the bleeding.

You’re already a morning shaver with bad results. If you’ve only shaved in the morning and cut yourself, get irritated skin, etc why not try shaving for one week at night? Maybe a change in shaving habits is really what you need.

And if shaving in the morning or at night is too extreme, maybe midway through the day would work for you? Assuming your schedule permits. Maybe then you can get the best of both worlds.


  • Should you shave in the morning or at night is largely a personal choice depending on your situation.
  • Having said that, try to wait at least 30 minutes before shaving in the morning to allow blood and other fluids to flush from your face and circulate. The more blood accumulated in your face, the more likely you are to cut yourself.
  • Shaving in the morning tends to be done out of habit and if you’re a morning person who is out at work or school for the day, might be your only choice.
  • Shaving at night might be preferable for shift workers and those in night class. If you’re not a morning person, this might be a better time to shave too.

When do you shave during the day? Let us know in the comments below!

Carl Mueller

I'm a bald guy with beard (goatee) who blogs about shaving, head shaving, style and grooming ideas for men.

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