Is A Single Blade Disposable Razor Better For Acne?

Is a single blade disposable razor better for acne?

Back in the day, a single blade safety razor called a Double Edge (DE) razor was the go-to shaving tool for men. The modern single blade disposable razor then took over the market and offered a convenient option that was easier to use.

Eventually twin blade razors became available. Then three blades. Then four blade products were introduced. Five blade razors followed suit. Notice a trend here?

It isn’t difficult to find multi-blade razor blade products these days that have features such as medicated lubricating strips, protective fins and other marketing devices to separate that product from competitors.

But the single blade razor can offer benefits even without these extra features that more expensive and modern multi-blade products don’t provide.

Benefits of a single blade razor vs multi-blade razors

A single blade razor reduces friction and skin irritation over multi-blade razors. Single blade razors cut hair at skin level rather than the lift and cut nature of multi-blade razors which can lead to acne. Not all single blade razors are of equal quality however which can impact shaving experience.

A single blade razor means only one sharp metal blade is scraping your skin. Less metal on your skin generally means less skin irritation and a lower chance of razor burn too.

While a cheap disposable single blade razor is convenient, a heavier DE (Double Edge) razor requires placing less pressure on your skin while shaving which might suit you better.

Below we’ll take a closer look at the types of single blade razors you may consider and how they may reduce acne and other shaving side effects.

Does more blades = better shaving?

Single blade disposables and single blade DE razors are still sold so if more blades really was better for all men, presumably these one-blade dinosaurs would have disappeared, right?

The benefit of a single blade razor is that there is only one sharp metal blade touching your skin and removing hair at skin level. Fewer blades = less friction and less potential irritation of your skin. Cutting the hair at skin level means the hair simply grows back again as normal.

The benefit of a multi-blade razor is that the first blade gently lifts the whiskers and the second (and other blades if any) actually cuts the hair. The whiskers then drop back below the surface of the skin so you end up with a closer shave.

The issue can be for guys who suffer from ingrown hairs: When the hair drops below the surface of the skin and starts to regrow, it may curl back down and become ingrown leading to a whitehead (acne) and noticeable swelling.

A single blade razor can prevent this from happening since whiskers are cut at skin level, not below.

Are all single blade razors created equally?

Single blade razors are offered in various formats, the two most popular being the:

  • Classic single blade disposable razor i.e. BIC sensitive shaver
  • Double Edge razor (DE razor)

A disposable single blade razor has one blade on an attached handle and head and is used and disposed of when it becomes blunt. A DE razor uses a replaceable blade that sits inside a heavy blade handle that you purchase separately. You simply replace the blade when it becomes blunt and keep using the same handle.

So are all single razor blades created equally? No, they are not.

I was recently reminded about this fact when for the first time in decades, I purchased a 5-pack of cheap single blade disposables and tried shaving my head. I immediately thought back to the very first time I shaved my head when I cut myself multiple times with the cheap disposable razor that I used.

Fast forward to present day, I hadn’t used this style of cheap single blade razor in so long, I figured I’d give it a try again to see how it performed. And I was quickly reminded why I stopped using them. They aren’t particularly great to use, aren’t very sharp to start with and don’t stay sharp very long.

I cut myself numerous times as I found myself pressing too hard on my skin to get a close shave, just like I did decades earlier. I cut myself in places I never cut myself including behind my ears leaving scabs in both places.

So no, single blade razors are not created equally. While you might find that a cheap disposable does suffice, it certainly doesn’t for me.

Having tried out DE razors in the past year for the first time ever – albeit with some challenges to start with – I do notice a quality difference in terms of the blade sharpness.

The benefits of a Double Edge single blade razor can be numerous, as we’ll see below.

A Double Edge (DE) razor package to get you started.

Double edge razor benefits over cheaper single blade razors

A Double Edge (DE) razor blade offers several potential benefits to men who choose to use them:

  • It has a single blade which offers the same advantages of other single blades: Whiskers are cut at skin level which may reduce not only skin irritation but the chance of ingrown hairs too. This can reduce acne as a result.
  • Each blade is usable on both sides hence the name Double Edge. You can shave with both sides of the blade so one blade lasts twice as long.
  • DE replacement blades are generally easy to find and are relatively cheap. The patent on them expired decades ago so they are easily produced.
  • The heavier weight of the DE blade handle (compared to a cheap plastic disposable) means you don’t have to press down on your skin to achieve a close shave. This can also reduce the chance of cuts which in turn can reduce ingrown hairs and acne.
  • You can choose from different DE blade brands and models which can offer you more or less shaving aggressiveness, depending on what you need.
  • You can easily clean the DE blade by opening up the shaving handle and washing the blade. A clean blade can also help reduce acne by eliminating bacteria on the blade that can build up.

More info on Double Edge razors to help you make an informed decision

I have detailed on this website a number of articles discussing my experience with DE razors that you can read about for more info:

A Double Edge Razor Requires Practice (And Patience) – It took me awhile to learn how to properly use a DE razor. I cut myself badly numerous times and gave myself razor burn – I NEVER get razor burn! – so it took some practice, the hard way. Perhaps your experience will be different but be prepared.

Double Edge Razor Shaving (No Benefits For Me) – Ok, perhaps I wrote this one too early….I had a bad first few experiences shaving with a DE razor and almost gave up. But I still use one today so I guess it turned out ok.

Does A DE Razor Cut Take Longer To Heal? – DE razors can cut you quite easily and worse than a disposable razor in my experience. So you need to know about healing cuts because they can occur.

Can You Flip A Double Edge Razor – You can use both edges of a DE razor but what if you flip it over on the other side? Does that extend its life? Hmmmmm….

Classic Wilkinson Sword Double Edge Razor Review – I first tried a Wilkinson Sword DE razor so I put a review together of my personal experience.

Is Shaving With A Safety Razor Better? (DE Razors) – It depends…but let’s discuss benefits of a Double Edge razor to see if it might be worth your time.

Do Single Blade Razors Reduce Ingrown Hairs? – Single blades tend to offer benefits as we’ve discussed on this page. Let’s take a closer look at the issue of ingrown hairs which many guys suffer from and which multi-blade razors can exacerbate.

Carl Mueller

I'm a bald guy with beard (goatee) who blogs about shaving, head shaving, style and grooming ideas for men.

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