How To Stop Shaving Cuts Before They Happen (Become A Better Shaver)

Stopping shaving cuts is better than stopping the bleeding.

Instead of stopping the bleeding from a cut, why not learn how to stop shaving cuts before they happen?

Granted, if you shave you will eventually cut yourself from time to time and might need some help clotting a cut. Check out my earlier post entitled How Long Do Shaving Cuts Take To Heal to get more help on this related subject.

But what can you do to reduce the likelihood that cut yourself while shaving while becoming a better shaver at the same time?

Stopping Shaving Cuts Before They Happen Means…

How about stopping shaving cuts before they happen?
Do this, not that.

Using a decent razor that you replace frequently. A dull razor = you press harder on your skin = increased chance of cutting yourself and irritating your skin.

Getting a good quality shaving cream, soap or gel. If you have sensitive skin, use a product for your type of skin. Remember that more foam equals doesn’t equal a better shave. Shaving soaps and shaving cream from a tube don’t foam up like a roasted marshmallow left too long on a fire. This doesn’t mean they don’t work well for shaving.

Shaving properly. Wet your skin first and apply the shaving cream. Shave slowly and shave with the grain (in the direction of hair growth). Shave across the grain if necessary. Rinse your blade frequently under running water. Store your razor in a dry area to avoid rust and corrosion.

Shaving regularly. Being a guy who shaves my head and face, I assure you that shaving regularly is better than waiting a few days. The thicker and quicker your hair grows, the more important this is. I can’t go 2 days without shaving my head. By day 3, it becomes a bit more work which increases the chance I’ll press hard on the razor which leads to more cuts and skin irritation.

Thinking outside the box. Have you always used the same razor and not tried anything new? Ever tried a Double Edge (DE) razor? Or an electric shaver? A wet/dry electric shaver that works with shaving cream or gel? So many options to choose from. If shaving sucks for you, try some new technology and see it it works better than your current routine. DE Razors for example are known to help guys with ingrown hairs since double edge razors cut the hair at skin level, not below.

Preparing your skin each time before the shave. Shaving after (or during if you’re comfortable) a hot shower prepares your skin: the hot water and steam opens your pores, softens the whiskers and your skin. Many men prefer this to a cold shave which I wrote about in the past.

Stopping shaving cuts before they happen means trying new ways of shaving and improving your skills.
Don’t be a hamster on a wheel. Try new shaving techniques, shavers, shaving cream and other products if you want to improve your shaving experience.

Conclusion: How To Stop Shaving Cuts

  • How to stop shaving cuts before they happen is preferable to stopping shaving cuts from bleeding. Become a better shaver.
  • Start with a good quality razor/electric shaver and shaving cream.
  • Use good shaving techniques and shave in or after a hot shower ideally.
  • If your chosen shaving products and techniques aren’t working, change them up and find out what works best for you.
  • Consider a Double Edge (DE) shaver if you suffer from ingrown hairs.
  • And who says you have to shave in the morning? Consider shaving at night instead.

What shaving products and techniques help you avoid shaving cuts?

Carl Mueller

I'm a bald guy with beard (goatee) who blogs about shaving, head shaving, style and grooming ideas for men.

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