How To Shave Blind Spots On My Head

How To Shave Blind Spots On My Head?

Shaving your head for the first time is a new experience for guys in more ways than one. It’s probably the first time you’ve ever really shaved blind, so to speak. Shaving the back of your head and the back of your neck is probably a new experience.

If you’re used to shaving in front of a mirror, you are probably used to seeing yourself while pressing the razor to your face. There’s a certain comfortability with applying shaving cream and then shaving where you can see exactly what you’re doing.

I’ve been shaving my head since 1995 and recall the first time I did it. I shaved in front of a mirror so I could at least see myself shaving even though I couldn’t actually see myself shaving, if that makes sense. It’s difficult to see the back of your head when you’re staring into a mirror which is all I had access to at that point.

I thought about shaving my head in the shower – which I do now regularly – but figured that standing in front of a mirror at least gave me the opportunity to kind of see what I’m doing, at least the first time.

Once you’ve shaved your head several times, you’ll begin to become comfortable with doing on to the point where you’ll probably be shaving in the shower.

What should you do if you’re about to shave your head for the first time and aren’t totally comfortable with not being able to see what you’re doing?

How To Shave Blind Spots On My Head

Use An Electric Shaver

Do you already have an electric shaver? If so, try using it to shave your head the first time. You already have it so make use of it since it’ll do the trick. The benefit of an electric shaver is that you’re less likely to cut yourself since the cutting blades aren’t actually touching your skin like with a razor blade. You might also find – especially if you don’t actually have a lot of scalp hair left – that an electric shaver does the trick.

Personally, I’ve shaved my head with both an electric shaver and razor blades and I prefer a razor blade with shaving cream. That’s just me.

Still, new wet/dry electric shavers are a great choice because they can be used in the shower and with or without shaving cream. And you might prefer the electric shaver option.

And if you don’t have an electric shaver, you might be interested to know that electric head shavers do now exist that are specifically designed for head shaving.

Get A Swing Arm Mirror

Never owned one myself…but I’ve seen them plenty of times in hotels and did find them helpful. I specifically tried using them for shaving a few times and recalled that if I wasn’t comfortable shaving the back of my head and neck, I’d certainly think about investing in one.

A swing arm mirror is mounted on the side wall, adjacent to the wall that you have your main bathroom mirror on. You stand in front of the main mirror like you normally would for shaving and then pull the swing arm mirror out and behind you so that when you look into the main bathroom mirror, you see the reflection of the back of your head. Then you can slowly shave the back of your head while staring into the bathroom mirror and can see the blind spots on your head and neck the whole time.

Shave Blind

Throw yourself into the deep end and shave your head in front of a mirror without any help! That’s how I learned to do it. Other than the fact that I used a cheap BIC disposable shaver to shave my head the first few times (#regret) my early head shaving experiences turned out fine.

I did cut myself early on several times but I put that down to my cheap choice of razor and the fact that I was learning how to shave my head. I soon switched to a better quality razor and the cuts went down to the point where it’s very rare that I cut myself at all.

And I regularly shave my head in the shower without any mirror at all.


When shaving your head for the first time, you might try using an electric shaver or specifically an electric head shaver. Electric shavers reduce the chance you will cut yourself especially as you get used to shaving your head and the blind spots (back of your head and neck) that come with it.

If you’re planning on going right to a razor blade, think about a swing arm mirror which are commonly found in hotel bathrooms. They enable you to swing the arm of the mirror out several feet and around the back of your head so you can view the blind spots while shaving.

You could also just start shaving your head while staring into a bathroom mirror like I did and learn that way. Have a shower first to wet and soften your hair. Use a good shaving cream or soap. Pick a decent quality, fresh razor blade. Shave slowly.

Shaving the blind spots doesn’t take much getting used to whichever option you choose but does take a bit of practice.

How was your first head shaving experience? Let us know down in the comments section.

Carl Mueller

I'm a bald guy with beard (goatee) who blogs about shaving, head shaving, style and grooming ideas for men.

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