Home Remedies For Oily Hair: Should You Shave Your Head?

Oily skin

Are you looking for home remedies for oily hair and scalp? Here are some considerations and thoughts to help you learn about the causes and solutions to the problem.

Let’s cut to the chase and discuss dealing with oily skin first!

Remedies For Oily Hair and Scalp

Wash your skin frequently

Wash with gentle soap or face wash and use warm water. Don’t wash excessively or use a loofah or other rough surface as it can help to increase oil production. Wash your face a maximum of twice per day and/or after sweating ie. going to the gym.

Medicated acne products and washes that have salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide can be considered if regular face wash doesn’t suffice.

Too frequently washing your face can also lead to dryness.

Shave your head

Shaving your head keeps your head cleaner. An oily scalp produces greasy, smelly hair which is more difficult to keep clean than when you have a shaved head. Keeping your hair short is the next best solution.

It’s also easier to wash or wipe a shaved scalp during the day than when you have a full head of hair.

Moisturize Your Scalp

Using a moisturizer on your bald scalp helps to not protect against dryness and protects shaving cuts. Just be sure to use an oil-free moisturizer that won’t make your skin feel greasy after you’ve finished washing your head.

Why Do You Have Oily Skin In The First Place?

Home remedies for oily hair: What causes oily skin and scalp?

Ok, so we talked about what to do about oily skin. But why do you get oily skin in the first place and can you avoid it?

Oily Scalp

Oily skin occurs when your body produces too much sebum which is released through your sebaceous glands in the skin. That’s the oily, greasy skin and it’s caused by genetic factors as well as environmental and lifestyle decisions.

To be specific:


You may be predisposed to oily skin through heredity and there might not be much you can do about it. You can inherit traits from your parents that cause you to have larger sebaceous glands which produce more sebum resulting in more oily skin.

Environmental reasons

Hot, humid weather can increase sebum production. This is difficult to avoid unless you move to a different locale.

Lifestyle reasons

Foods to eat for oily skin
More fruits and vegetables could reduce oily skin.

This reason is one you might be able to do something about. Diet changes can help.

Excessive consumption of salt, red meat, sugar, refined carbohydrates and dairy can contribute to oily skin.

Conversely, drinking enough water, eating fruits and vegetables and consumption of oily fish (salmon, trout, mackerel, etc) can help improve your skin health.

While sebum helps to keep your skin hydrated, too much sebum production results in greasy skin and a sheen on your face and head so you are trying to strike a balance.

Obviously this is more noticeable with a shaved head. On a brighter note, having a shaved head is cleaner since it’s easier to wipe an oily shaved head than it is to wash an oily scalp with hair.


  • Home remedies for oily hair are available if you’d prefer to avoid more expensive options. Washing your face and scalp regularly with a mild face-specific wash or soap is a good start.
  • Consider an anti-acne product that has salicylic acid and/or benzoil peroxide if you’re willing to spend a bit of money.
  • Shaving your head when you have oily skin makes it easier to keep clean. It’s quicker to wipe an oily scalp than wash your hair.
  • Consider using an oil-free moisturizer after shaving your head.
  • Limit excessive intake of salt, red meat, refined carbs and dairy.
  • Stay hydrated and consume more fruits and vegetables.

What home remedies for oily hair do you use? Let us know in the comments below!

Carl Mueller

I'm a bald guy with beard (goatee) who blogs about shaving, head shaving, style and grooming ideas for men.

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