Does Sunscreen Clog Pores And Should You Avoid Using It?

Does sunscreen clog pores?

Does sunscreen clog pores on your skin and can it lead to acne? It can do exactly that but this doesn’t mean you should avoid using sunblock especially during periods of sun exposure particularly in the summer.

If you notice an acne breakout in the summer months, you might immediately put it down to your choice of sunblock. Certainly sunblocks these days are formulated to be waterproof so that they don’t wash away when you go swimming or when you sweat. This means that while the sunblock remains on your skin after being exposed to water, it may also clog your pores due its formulation.

There are other things you can do without ditching the sunscreen completely while also protecting your skin from the sun’s harmful rays.

Use A Face-Specific Sunblock

Neutrogena makes several such sunblocks that are designed for your face including their Clear Face Break- Out Free Liquid Lotion Sunscreen. This product has a high SPF 55 protection level and is suitable for those with oily and acne-prone skin.

That’s just one example. There are many products from other manufacturers designed for face use that may suit you like Solara, CeraVe and more.

Wash Your Face At Least Twice Per Day

Wash your face with a face-specific cleanser in the morning and again before you go to bed at night. That way, any sunscreen you apply during the day will be rinsed off at night leaving your pores clean. During the summer and anytime you sweat, you increase the chance that your pores get clogged especially if you have oily skin, use sunblock and sweat more than usual.

We’ll touch on that in more detail below.

Choose Non-Comedogenic Products In General

A product is said to be comedogenic when it clogs the pores. Some body washes or moisturizers that are meant for your body shouldn’t be used on your face since they can clog pores which can increase the chance of acne. A face-specific product is better and a natural, organic one is even better if available.

This is especially important if you are prone to acne already and/or have oily skin.

Having said that, not all “healthy” sounding products are good for your face. Some essential oils – coconut oil comes to mind – are HIGHLY comedogenic. And coconut oil is easily found these days in products such sunblock, body washes and moisturizers. They should be avoided on the face particularly if you have oily skin and suffer from breakouts because chances are they will make them worse.

Revisit Your Cleansing and Shaving Habits

Check your shaving cream and razors to ensure you're using the correct products.
Check your shaving cream and razors to ensure you’re using the correct products for your skin’s needs. Replace razor blades frequently.

If you shave your head and/or face and are suddenly experiencing acne breakouts, it could be a summer-related issue such as your choice of sunblock or your face wash or moisturizer that you use.

It may also be the increased sweating due to the hot summer weather. If you’re not washing enough and cleansing your face, the increase in sweat, oil and dirt can contribute to increased acne.

But your shaving habits can also hurt you and help to clog your skin. Did you recently switch shaving creams or shaver brands?

Are you neglecting to change your razor as frequently as before?

If you use an electric shaver, is it beyond time you either replace the shaving blades (they get dulled and wear out) or replace the shaver completely?

Does Sunscreen Clog Pores? Avoid These Ingredients, Too

Coconut oil skin moisturizer is highly comedogenic
Coconut oil is highly comedogenic so products containing it should be avoided on your face if you have oily skin or are prone to acne breakouts.

We already mentioned that you should avoid using coconut oil on your face if you have oily skin or are acne prone. You should additionally avoid any products for your face that contain any of the following ingredients as they can help clog your pores, too:

  • Acetylated lanolin
  • Almond oil
  • Avocado oil
  • Beeswax
  • Cocoa butter
  • Coconut oil
  • Ethylhexyl palmitate
  • Flaxseed oil
  • Isopropyl myristate
  • Isopropyl palmitate
  • Lanolins
  • Mineral oil
  • Olive oil
  • Palm oil
  • Soybean oil
  • Vitamin E

Check out this link and scroll down for an even more definitive list of ingredients to avoid using on your face.


  • Does sunscreen clog pores? It can, especially if it contains comedogenic ingredients.
  • Use face-specific sunblocks that won’t clog your pores and go on light but still protect your skin.
  • Waterproof sunscreens stick to your skin even in water so it’s important to wash it off at the end of the day to keep pores clear.
  • If you utilize essential oils and commercial cleaning and moisturizing products for your skin, ensure you choose non-comedogenic ones that won’t clog your pores!
  • Take a look at your washing and shaving habits as mentioned above to ensure these two areas aren’t contributing to your acne.

What face-specific products do you use that you would recommend? Let us know in the comments below!

Carl Mueller

I'm a bald guy with beard (goatee) who blogs about shaving, head shaving, style and grooming ideas for men.

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