Does A DE Razor Cut Take Longer To Heal?

Does A DE Razor Cut Take Longer To Heal?

A double edge razor blade can produce larger and bloodier cuts that take longer to heal given that you choose the angle to hold the blade against your skin. The heaviness of the blade handle can also cause you to press the blade too hard against your skin further leading to cuts and nicks.

You may need a few extra days in this case for the skin to heal before attempting to shave the same area.

The differences between a regular disposable razor blade and double edge or DE razor blade mean that you must adjust your shaving style and technique a bit as follows:

DE razor blades are heavier

The blade handle of a DE razor blade tends to weigh between 60 grams and 110 grams so there is a wide range to choose from. A typical disposable plastic multi-blade razor with handle weighs under 10 grams by comparison so it’s a big difference.

Going from a light disposable razor to a heavier DE razor takes some getting used to and the weight is largely personal preference. The heavier the razor handle, the more the razor does the work of shaving and the less effort you have to expend.

Some guys prefer lighter DE handles whereas other men like heavier ones. It’s really up to you but changing handle weights may require some time to get used to given that each may shave differently.

Pressing a lighter plastic razor blade against your skin requires less thinking on your part as the handle is easier to hold in your hand. A heavier DE razor blade handle requires a bit more thinking as it leans against your skin with more force due to its weight on its own.

The more you press any razor blade against your skin, the more likely you are to overcompensate and cut yourself if you’re not careful, especially when using a double edge razor.

DE razor blades need to be held at a certain angle against your skin

A disposable razor blade is relatively easy to use since the blade is designed to be pressed against your skin at an angle that is easy to determine given its flat surface. A DE blade on the other hand is on the edges of the razor handle and the angle that you use is determined by you every time you shave.

If you use an angle that is too aggressive, you can cut yourself quite easily with a double edge razor. A 30 degree angle is typically suggested as being ideal for a DE razor. You can adjust it slightly to see what works best for you.

Given the sharpness of the blade, if you hold it against your skin at the wrong angle, it can lead to cuts and bad ones at that.

The openness of the double edge razor can lead to cuts that are as wide as the blade itself that can require 5 days or so to completely heal.

Once you’ve cut yourself, let it heal completely before attempting to shave that area again otherwise it will continue to open up and bleed.


Using a double edge razor can take some practice. Unfortunately this may mean suffering some cuts and skin irritation as you get used to switching from disposables or another shaving method you use currently.

Click here to go through a series of articles I wrote regarding my experience with shaving with a double edge razor to see how I almost gave up early on after suffering many cuts and razor burn that I never experience with cheaper disposables.

Carl Mueller

I'm a bald guy with beard (goatee) who blogs about shaving, head shaving, style and grooming ideas for men.

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