Do You Shave Or Exfoliate First Before A Spray Tan?

How Soon Can I Shave After A Spray Tan?

A spray tan is an easy and quick way to get a tan during times when the weather isn’t doing its part. The question is what do you need to do before you use a spray tan to ensure you get the best results?

Specifically, do you shave or exfoliate first before a spray tan or is this unnecessary?

It’s best to follow the instructions you have at your disposal either from the spray tan provider or on the spray tan bottle, whichever you’re using. But whether you’re getting a professional spray tan at a clinic or are doing it yourself, here are some steps to follow prior to tanning:

Before Using A Spray Tan


Exfoliation is simply removing dead skin from your body by washing it with a granular wash or scrub as instructed. Don’t overdo it by scrubbing too hard. The scrub or wash does that by design.

For some home use products, you might not even need to worry about exfoliating more than 4 hours before using the product. For spray tan done in a clinic, they might request a longer lead up time ie. 24-48 hours.

On the day of a commercial spray tan, you’ll probably just want to wash as normal with a regular face and body wash. Again, check with the provider or product to be sure.


Pre-spray tan: Before using a spray tan, you can normally shave the night before treatment if possible. Use a fresh, new razor. Of course you want to avoid cutting yourself so that the spray tan doesn’t come into contact with freshly cut skin.

Post-spray tan: Depending on what body part(s) you’re using spray tan on, you will want to avoid shaving that area after treatment. If you’ve already used a spray tan, you won’t want to shave the area that was treated until the day after the treatment.

Avoid Using Moisturizers, Lotions, etc

Leave your skin free of any moisturizers, lotions and other products directly before using a spray tan. They can interrupt the spray tan’s ability to work on your skin.

After Your Spray Tan

Wear dark, loose-fitting clothing. If you’ve used spray tan on your face or bald head, avoid wearing a hat as it can stain it. Consider putting a dark towel or other old garment over your pillow at night in case it stains.

Don’t shower or wash right after using spray tan. Depending on the product and application this will probably be for at least 4 hours. Pat yourself dry rather than rubbing.

Avoid activity during the same timeframe that produces sweat ie. exercising, being in the direct sun, etc.

Avoid using an exfoliant on the same day after the spray tan. Also avoid shaving during the remainder of the day after a spray tan application.

Check out the post I wrote regarding when you can shave after a spray tan to learn more about a post-spray tan routine.

With a spray tan, you don't have to.
With a spray tan, you don’t have to.


  • Do you shave or exfoliate first before a spray tan? Depending on what the spray tan product or your clinic suggests, shaving and exfoliating the night before or several hours before the application will probably be suggested.
  • Don’t exfoliate or shave until the day after a spray tan application to allow the spray tan to work on your skin.
  • Avoid showering or exercising (ie. sweating) for at least several hours after a spray tan.
  • Wear dark clothing and watch where you sit as the spray tan may stain shortly after application.
  • Here is some research on the subject of the healthiness of dihydroxyacetone, a common ingredient in spray tan products that may interest you.

What has your experience been with spray tans? Let us know in the comments below!

Carl Mueller

I'm a bald guy with beard (goatee) who blogs about shaving, head shaving, style and grooming ideas for men.

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