A double edge (DE) razor blade is the original shaver for men. It arrived on the scene in 1904 to essentially replace the straight razor that most men had been using to shave with until that time. The DE razor was originally referred to as the “safety razor” since the DE razor was safe when compared to the open blade straight razor it replaced.
The DE razor was created by King Camp Gillette. You probably recognize the last name Gillette.
I’ve never used a double edge razor before even though I’ve written about them in terms of what they are and what they offer. Pretty much every other thing I’ve written about on this website regarding shaving, hair removal, facials, skincare, shaving creams, etc I’ve tried and experienced but not the DE blade…until now.
Here’s my Classic Wilkinson Sword Double Edge razor review based on my experience with it.

Classic Wilkinson Sword Double Edge Razor Review
The first thing I noticed about the razor handle is the heaviness. It feels quite heavy in the hand when compared to lighter plastic disposable razors I’ve been using my whole life. The handle itself appears to be high quality. It’s nicely designed and I have to admit: I like the look of it and the feeling that I’m “really” shaving with this style of razor.
I used the Wilkinson tube shaving cream that I reviewed recently, to start with. I applied the shaving cream as normal after a shower and then started shaving. I only shaved with the grain since was my first time using a DE razor and I think I’ll continue doing so for now.
I immediately noticed a different sound and feel to shaving than what I’m used to with disposable razors. The sound was deeper and I could hear the razor scraping my skin but in a very smooth easy way. I should note that I had skipped shaving my face the day before which I don’t normally do. So in that regard, the sound was most likely the extra day of beard growth.
Still, I didn’t feel any tugging on my whiskers nor did I feel the need to push down harder on the razor. It shaved very easily. After shaving one side of my face, I felt my skin with my hand and was amazed at how close the shave was and how smooth my skin was. I rubbed my skin in both directions – with the grain and against the grain – and could hardly feel any remaining hair. It’s a very smooth shave.
I continued shaving my face and then got to my neck. I have a tendency every so often – and frequently with fresh razor blades – to cut my neck…and this was no exception.
I cut myself just underneath my Adam’s Apple and I felt it right away.
You know when you get that feeling that you just cut yourself, when the razor scrapes your skin in a way that lets you know it just got cut? I got that. A bit of blood appeared a few seconds later. Since I tend to do this, I’m going to put it down to my shaving or perhaps my skin, not the shaver itself. I’ll have to be more careful.
In fact, I ended up cutting myself 3 times in total. Small cuts that clotted pretty quickly but three cuts nonetheless. Again, I’ll shave slower next time as I’m getting used to the razor.
All in though, I really like my new DE razor. Again, this is the first time in my life I’ve ever used one before. It hadn’t really dawned on me until recently that I should give try a double edge razor but so far, I’m glad I did.
Beyond the cuts which I’ll chalk up to shaving too fast, the closeness of the shave was very good.
DE Razor Tips
A few tips to help you get a better shave and avoid the cuts I got the first time I used it:
Use a decent quality shaving cream. You might want to skip the canned foam and try a shaving cream tube like I did or a shaving soap. They tend to be better quality and better protect the skin. You’re using a nicer quality shaver. Use a nicer quality shaving cream, too.
Hold the DE razor at around a 30 degree angle. Practice with an empty razor handle (without a blade) on your skin to get the feeling and what is comfortable for you.
Don’t press too hard on your skin especially as you’re getting used to the razor. The razor handle is quite heavy. If all you’ve ever used are disposable razors until now, it might take a bit to get used to.
Don’t shave too quickly. I need to take my own advice here. I do tend to shave quickly and I need to take this into account with my new DE razor. Go slowly and don’t try to set the land speed record otherwise you increase the chance of a cut(s) as I found out.
Treat cuts right away after shaving. My cuts tend to clot quickly. You might use a post shave balm, lotion or even aftershave (not cologne though) to clean and sterilize cuts after you finish shaving.
Update 1
I thought I’d write an update for this review as I’m still learning how to use to my DE razor. The second time I used the DE razor to shave my face was not a great experience. I cut myself 5 times on my neck and within an hour or so of shaving, I felt quite a bit of irritation on my neck. My neck got quite red in place too which is very unusual for me. I do occasionally cut myself on the neck with my regular twin blade razors but not five times on one day.
I have to look over my DE razor routine because I clearly need to change things up. I think I’m holding the razor at an angle that is too aggressive so I’ll adjust that and also slow things down and shave slower next time.
Update 2
Ok, so this update is after my third experience with the DE razor. I actually took a day off so it’s two days after my Update 1 when I cut myself 5 times. I didn’t shave my face at all yesterday but I gave the DE razor another try today with a few changes:
I changed my angle of attack: I deliberately held the DE razor at what I believe is a 30 degree angle as per the suggested angle.
I shaved slower this time: With the heavy feeling of the DE razor blade handle, you really do have to be careful not to press too hard as you’re not holding a lightweight plastic disposable razor, which is what I’m used to.
Thirdly, I took smaller strokes this time: I generally take quite long shaving strokes with my disposable razors but I deliberately took short strokes this time and rinsed the blade well and frequently.
The result this time was that I did cut myself once on my neck. Just a small cut but a cut nonetheless. I feel a bit of heat on my neck after shaving, not irritation but it feels a bit warm if that makes sense. I don’t see any reddening yet and I haven’t applied any sort of lotion. I did look earlier today for an aftershave balm but the only ones I saw were alcohol-based products which I try to avoid. I do feel like today’s shave went better than Update 1 though so I’ll keep trying to improve my technique.
Update 3
Ok, I think I’m starting to get the hang of it. My third time shaving with the Wilkinson DE razor and today went quite well. I didn’t cut my neck at all but did cut myself up around the ear around where sideburns would normally grow. I don’t think I’ve ever cut myself there with a disposable razor but I did it today. It was a pretty good cut from the blood but I had a quick shower and when I got out, the blood had stopped.
So all in all, I guess it was a pretty good shaving experience. My neck isn’t irritated or red at all. I’m still using the original blade and am using the same side each time.
I’m going slowly, I’m paying attention to the angle I hold the razor at (trying for 30 degrees) and I am taking short strokes with rinsing in between.