Can You Shave Your Head With An Electric Shaver? (2020)

A three head rotary electric shaver

Can you shave your head with an electric shaver?


I have shaved my head since 1995. From time to time, I have used an electric shaver when travelling when I might not bother to bring a can of shaving cream and manual razor on a plane.

Pressurized shaving cream cans need to be checked in a suitcase and sometimes I just bother don’t bringing one with me especially if I’m only travelling with a carry on bag.

In this case, I use the electric shaver for both my face and head while I’m away from home.

Having said that, I prefer a manual razor for shaving my head.

Let’s discuss both options in detail.

Electric Shaver Benefits

Shaved headed male
Yul Brynner. An original head shaver.

When you shave your head with an electric shaver, there are a few benefits over using a manual razor.

Less cuts

An electric shaver uses a foil or 2-3 round, floating rotary heads to vibrate or rotate to cut the facial hairs. “Lift and cut” systems gently pull the hair towards the shaver to provide for a closer shave.

So because the shaver isn’t a blade per se and because it’s not held directly against your skin like a razor, you generally won’t cut yourself while shaving. That’s unless you have pre-existing cuts or zits that could be cut if you press too hard.

Less messy

Of course, you generally don’t use shaving cream when using an electric shaver. So you aren’t smearing anything on your scalp.

I say “generally” because there are some newer style electric shavers that do include a lotion feature. You squeeze small amounts of lubricant onto your skin as you shave to help lubricate the skin.

The lubricant comes in small sachets that clip into the shaver and of course need to be replaced when they run out, which is an ongoing cost to you.

No Other Items Required

Shaving your head with an electric shaver only requires an electric shaver.

You don’t need shaving cream and electric shavers tend to last several years. As opposed to manual disposable razors that wear out after several uses and need to be replaced frequently. In that regard…

Cheaper in the long run

Depending on how much you spend on an electric shaver and how long you keep it, you’ll probably spend less in the long run than with a manual razor.

Disposable razors need to be regularly replaced as they go blunt and you need to buy shaving cream, too.

It also depends on how expensive you go on manual razors too. You can purchase a large number of cheap manual blade razors for the cost of 1 electric shaver. If you spend more money on higher end expensive disposable razors and their associated head (the part you hold in your hand), it’s likely the cost of them will exceed a reasonably priced electric shaver in the long run.

Electric shavers do of course have moving, breakable parts that wear out over time.

I’ve owned several electric shavers and on only one occasion did I end up buying a replacement foil, which is basically the blade part of the device. I once had a steel foil head electric shaver actually rip in a small area and had to replace it.

These days, electric shavers are cheap enough that buying an entire new one is likely a better deal than replacing parts on your old shaver.

Manual Razor Benefits

You can shave your head with an electric shaver but I prefer a manual razor.

In my experience, a manual razor provides the following:

Closer Shave

A manual razor cuts the hair closer to the scalp in my opinion and experience. It is shaving the hair off at the skin level and leaves a nice smooth result.

I know there are electric shavers with the lift and cut type systems that claim to gently lift the hair and cut it closer so that it drops back below the skin surface. In my experience manual razors are as good if not better.

We can call it a tie here if you like but manual razors win the next two points hands down regardless.

More Even Shave

Manual razors produce a much more even shave full stop. Shaving with a manual razor tends to involve long, slow, steady strokes along your skin. Kind of like mowing a lawn row by row. Very efficient.

An electric shaver tends to involve using small circular motions to trim the hair. You tend to cover the same area a few times to get all the hairs. It’s less efficient. There is no debate here.

I’ve lost track of the number of times I tried shaving my head with an electric shaver and thought I was done. Then I ran my hands along my scalp and find an entire, thin patch of hair (or three) that I missed.

This tends not to happen with a manual razor. If it does, it tends to be a long thin strip that I missed that is quickly shaved off with one quick (carefully of course) stroke.

That leads to the final point….

Faster Shave Time

Manual razors are far less time-consuming and are quicker.


The time that it takes to shave with a manual razor is much quicker than with an electric shaver.

I find that shaving my head with an electric shaver is far more time-consuming and is a constant case of me switching between my left and right hand to cover the back of my head.

I’m somewhat ambidextrous and can easily use both hands but it’s still time-consuming. Certainly moreso than with a manual razor, in my experience. It might be more difficult if you’re only good with one hand.

Again, the long strokes with a manual razor are a real time saver and you cover more ground in a shorter amount of time.

So while you can easily use an electric shaver for shaving your head, it’s not something I tend to do often.

I prefer a nice disposable razor.

Summary: Electric Shaver vs Disposable Razor

We have a winner!

I’ve read stories online from guys who clearly don’t shave their heads (they have full heads of hair) who claim that shaving your head with an electric shaver is quicker than with a disposable razor.


I’ve already written on the time that it takes to shave my head.

An electric shaver involves you moving the shaver up and down and in small circles to shave. You tend to move the shaver over the same area repeatedly to catch all the hair. You generally do not move your shaver down once in the same direction to get a close shave.


By moving the shaver in the opposite direction of your hair growth, you push the hair up to get a closer shave. This takes time.

With a disposable blade razor, you generally shave each section of your scalp and face one time. It’s more effective and less time-consuming.

And you tend to get a closer, more even shave with a blade razor.

Not As Effective On Long Hair

It’s more difficult to use an electric shaver longer hair.

In fact, you really can’t.

Remember, the electric shaver is basically tugging on your facial and scalp hair and pulling it before trimming it. The longer your hair the more you’ll feel it.

It can hurt!

Moreso on your face than scalp.

And the more time if will take to shave.

In my experience – depending on how long your hair is currently – the longer your hair, the more time you will take to shave your head with an electric shaver.

And the more time you’ll spend moving the shaver around over the same spots over and over again to get a close shave.

Planning On Growing Facial Hair?

How to grow a goatee

An electric shaver is useless for sculpting facial hair in my experience.

You need a disposable razor to properly sculpt straight lines for a goatee, mustache or other facial hair.

As we spoke about, an electric shaver is used by making up and down movements or small circular movements to shave. It’s difficult to sculpt nice straight lines using those sorts of motions!

You need a razor to do that.

One benefit that electric shavers do have is ones that come in with a built in beard trimmer. Those can come in handy.

Conclusion: Can you shave your head with an electric shaver?

  • While you can shave your head with an electric shaver, in my experience a disposable razor is faster and more efficient.
  • Electric shavers do tend to be cheaper in the long run and don’t cut you as much.
  • Electric shavers are more difficult on longer hair and don’t work well in this regard.
  • Disposable razors tend to give a closer, more even shave with less need to cover the same skin area multiple times.
  • Disposable razors make it easier to sculpt facial hair if you’re planning on growing a goatee for example.

Can you shave your head with an electric shaver and have you done so? Let us know if the comments below!

Carl Mueller

I'm a bald guy with beard (goatee) who blogs about shaving, head shaving, style and grooming ideas for men.

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