Can I Use Shaving Cream For Sunburn Relief?

Shaving cream for sunburn? A protective hat is better.

When in a pinch, can you use shaving cream for sunburn relief when you have no other options?

I recently came across this question online. Apparently menthol shaving cream for sunburn relief is a more specific trend on the Internet that I saw people asking about.

Menthol produces a cooling feeling which is why we tend to see it added to a wide variety of products including cough drops, gum, candy and cigarettes among others.

The thought appears to be since shaving cream has ingredients to protect during shaving, it must also have the ability to soothe sunburned skin.

Can you use shaving cream for sunburn and other skin irritations due to excessive sun exposure? Having never even considered the idea myself, I had to do some research since I’m not a medical professional.

There is no medical evidence that shaving cream helps with sunburn relief and clearly this is not its intended purpose. While shaving cream might offer some immediate benefits, you’re better off using other more appropriate methods that are actually recommended by medical professionals.

Avoid Overexposure

If you shave your head, you need to plan ahead when you go outside for extended periods of sunny weather. Even during cloudy days, the sun’s harmful rays can turn your shaved head into a metaphorical cherry tomato. I’ve experienced sunburn on my head on cloudy days when I neglected to use sunblock or a hat and figured I was safe. In general it takes me 2 days before the soreness and sensitivity on my scalp goes away.

Use a decent sunblock, not just on your shaved head too. Wear a hat and loose fitting clothing especially if you’re already sunburned.

Try to avoid the sun during the hottest periods of the day which tend to be 10am-4pm.

How To Deal With Sunburn

  • Treat the sunburn as soon as possible rather than waiting.
  • Drink ample water to remain hydrated.
  • Apply cold water or cold compresses to the affected areas.
  • Aloe Vera gel may be applied to the areas in question.
  • Use cold chamomile tea bags or cold green tea bags assuming you’re not allergic to pollen.
  • Consider medication such as ibuprofen or aspirin if your doctor recommends it.
  • Seek medical attention if you experience more severe symptoms.
  • Learn about other shaving myths that people often believe that might hurt your shaving and skincare.

Can you use shaving cream for sunburn relief? It’s not something generally recommended nor is it a stated purpose of shaving cream, clearly. Check out this helpful page from the American Academy of Dermatology Association for professional advice.

Carl Mueller

I'm a bald guy with beard (goatee) who blogs about shaving, head shaving, style and grooming ideas for men.

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