Can I Shave Off A Skin Tag?

can i shave off a skin tag

Can I shave off a skin tag rather than waiting for it to fall off?

Shaving off a skin tag is not recommended as there are other safer ways to deal with it. This is especially true if the skin tag is large or is around an area like your eyes or genitals. Skin tags should be removed professionally to avoid injuring yourself or causing an infection. Having said that, doctors don’t generally consider cutting them off accidentally to be something you should worry about while shaving. It may bleed for awhile but will tend to clot and heal. See a doctor first rather than attempting to remove a skin tag yourself.

What are skin tags?

Skin tags are small flaps of skin that protrude from your body and are harmless but can be annoying and unsightly. I’ve had skin tags around my collarbone that often got caught on my shirt or necklace and hurt when they pulled away as I moved or turned while walking, etc.

Skin tags tend to occur on the neck, collarbone, eyes, armpits, genitals and other areas on your body which may become dry. They tend to occur in areas that have friction so on skin folds and parts that rub against other body parts.

The exact cause of skin tags isn’t known but obesity is one factor believed to contribute to them. Skin tags are equally prevalent in both men and women.

How can I remove a skin tag?

How can I remove a skin tag? Better to consult with a doctor first.
How can I remove a skin tag?
Better to consult with a doctor first.

Medical options

In the first instance you should see your doctor. This is especially true if it’s in an area like your eyes or genitals and/or you have multiple skin tags. I wouldn’t be trying any home remedies in these instances and would consult your doctor for advice as to what to do next.

A doctor can perform several skin tag removal options including cryotherapy which involves freezing the tag with nitrogen. I had a similar option performed on me when I was younger for a wart on my finger. It stung for a bit but it got rid of the wart.

Doctors can also use electrocautery which involves using a needle or probe to burn off the skin tag.

Finally, they may also consider just cutting the skin tag off. Given that they are a medical professional they will have better tools and experience than you doing this yourself. Plus they are better able to deal with bleeding and other side effects that may occur.

Home options

I searched online in the past for home remedies and actually tried one myself. It involves daubing apple cider vinegar on the skin tag and then covering it with a bandaid and repeating until the skin tag drops off. Given the location of my skin tag – my left collarbone – I found it hard to keep a bandaid on and it didn’t work, at least for me anyways. I tried it for a few days but gave up and didn’t result in my skin tag disappearing.

I’ve seen other home options like tea tree oil but I don’t own any and I’ve read that it can cause skin irritation for some people so I didn’t bother trying it. Another option involves tying a ligature of some sort around the base of the skin tag to basically choke it off causing it to die. Haven’t tried that option either but it sounds like a 2-person job regardless.

The other downside with any home option is if you misidentify something else as a skin tag and remove it. You’re better off seeing a doctor to confirm that it’s a skin tag and not something different or more serious that should be looked at.

Give it time

A final option is to do nothing. Skin tags tend to fall off over time without doing anything. If skin tags don’t particularly bother you, leave them alone and they’ll most likely disappear. I’ve found that my skin tags disappeared after many months but some were still there after 1 year. You may not want to wait as long.

Skin tags occur on some areas of the body that definitely should not be removed at home.
Skin tags occur on some areas of the body that definitely should not be removed at home. Consult with a doctor for skin tags first.

Conclusion: Can I Shave Off A Skin Tag

  • Can I shave off a skin tag? There are certain skin tags (on the eye, genital area to name but two) that certainly should only be removed by a doctor.
  • Unless your skin tag(s) is bothering you, it will most likely eventually fall off on its own.
  • While there are home remedies available, I only tried the apple cider vinegar option above briefly but it did not work for me.
  • See your doctor for your skin tag(s) to ensure it isn’t something else more serious. A doctor can also offer several medical options to get rid of your skin tags probably on the same visit.

Carl Mueller

I'm a bald guy with beard (goatee) who blogs about shaving, head shaving, style and grooming ideas for men.

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