Can I Shave My Head Every Day? (Shaving Frequency)

Why Does My Razor Say To Not Use It On My Head?

Can I shave my head every day or does my scalp need a break? Most guys shave their face daily but often wonder if their head can – or needs – to be shaved daily.

Here are a few observations from a guy (me) who has been shaving my head since 1995.

Shaving Your Head Daily

You can certainly shave your head daily despite what you may have read online. You do have to be mindful if you:

  • Have dry skin. Daily shaving may dry your skin and cause your skin to flake in some cases.
  • Cut yourself frequently. You may have to take a break from shaving if you cut yourself often rather than shaving daily and reopening a cut and not allowing it to heal.

For me, the benefit of shaving your head daily is to get that completely clean shaven look that tends to look the best on guys. When you let you hair grow for few days or longer, you get the stubble look which I think looks good on guys who shave their heads but still have full heads of hair.

But if you have significant hair loss, a few days of not shaving your head highlights your hair loss even more since you can clearly see the parts with hair and without. Which kind of defeats the purpose of shaving your head if you’re trying to minimize your hair loss in the first place.

Shaving Your Head Every Few Days

Shaving your head every few days is fine if you have little to no hair loss and look equally good with hair or without. It’s also good in the sense that you clearly will save time not shaving your head daily.

The problem in my experience is that it gets harder to do the longer you wait. I find that if I go more than 2 days without shaving my head, the parts of my head that still have good hair growth are more difficult to shave and I can feel the razor dragging along my skin moreso than when I shave it daily. It’s not a huge thing but I do notice it.

The more difficult it is to shave, the more likely you’ll overcompensate by pressing harder on the razor, repeatedly shave the same area, and possibly cut yourself.

And the more likely you’ll irritate your skin, too. Which may lead to you having to take a few days off to give your head a chance to heal, leading you to repeat the whole process a few days later.

Can I Shave My Head Every Day And Should I?

Some guys will claim that you should only shave your head 2-3 times per week. At the end of the day, it depends on a few things as we discussed above. It’s also largely a choice that you need to make yourself.

Assuming you don’t suffer from dry skin or skin irritation from shaving, shaving your head daily should be just fine. I’ve done it on and off for years with no trouble. I do tend to shave my head every second day now but shaving daily didn’t result in anything negative happening in my experience.

A happy medium might be to shave every second day and give your scalp a break and take a day off between shaves. You probably won’t notice much of a difference in terms of the look (you’ll still have a shaved head but with a bit of stubble) but also won’t have a situation where you notice that it’s more difficult to shave, which you will if you shave every 3 days or more.


Your head shaving schedule and frequency will be something that makes sense for you. If you want a few more resources and thoughts regarding on shaving your head, check out this post for tips on shaving your head and this post regarding how hair grows back after you’ve shaved it.

Carl Mueller

I'm a bald guy with beard (goatee) who blogs about shaving, head shaving, style and grooming ideas for men.

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