Can I Shave Missed Hairs After Waxing?

Waxing can also be a good option for back hair removal.

Can I shave missed hairs after waxing or am I better off waxing the remaining hair and completing the job?

Waxing removes hair by the root. Shaving simply cuts the hair either at skin level or slightly below the surface of the skin depending on what type of razor you are using. Modern two+ blade razors and many electric shavers use a lift-and-cut system which raises hairs and cuts them below the skin for a closer shave. So while these shavers provide a closer shave than razors that cut hair at skin level, waxing offers a longer term hair loss solution than both of them. With waxing, you might not need to wax again for up to 6 weeks whereas with shaving, the effects last less than one day. Which is why men tend to shave daily.

So, can I shave missed hair after waxing?

Yes, you can.

But those hairs will start growing back with a day or two and the prickly feeling of hair will return quicker than the hairs that were waxed.

Do waxing professionals shave off remaining hairs on their clients or do spot wax and ensure the removal of all hairs by waxing only?

Of course they keep waxing until they have finished the job. No shaving allowed. You need to become a better – with experience – waxer as you’ll get better and longer term results than shaving offers.

Benefits of Waxing Over Shaving

3 typical wax strips used for body waxing.
3 typical wax strips used for body waxing.
  • As mentioned above, the result of waxing hair lasts longer than shaving. As a result, your skin stays smoother longer.
  • You have plenty of options. Hot wax, cold wax, wax strips. You can also choose between sugar wax and resin-based wax. Different sized wax strips are available too.
  • You don’t run the risk of cutting yourself while shaving.
  • It’s a better option for sensitive skin as you aren’t using a blade and wax far less frequently than you have to shave the same area.
  • While certain body areas hurt more than others, waxing is something you tend to get used to and the pain really only lasts several seconds at most. The more frequently you wax, the more you’ll get used to it and appreciate the results.
  • Waxing may result in new hair appearing finer and thinner making it less noticeable when it grows back after waxing.
  • While you can wax yourself at home, you can also pay a professional do it. Your choice.

And as mentioned, you don’t have to simply choose a hot wax. There are plenty of wax strip products that can be used at room temperature and don’t need to be heated in the microwave.

Conclusion: Can I shave missed hairs after waxing

Waxing can hurt. Certainly more than shaving.
Waxing can hurt, certainly more than shaving. But the results last longer.
  • Can I shave missed hairs after waxing? You certainly can but the hairs you shave will start to grow back as stubble within several days if not sooner.
  • Spot waxing – focusing on specific hairs that didn’t get removed the first time – is a better bet. In other words, you clear 100% of hairs through waxing.
  • Waxing offers a number of benefits over shaving. Waxing lasts longer than shaving. You can’t cut yourself with waxing. Waxing can be done at home or by a pro.
  • While waxing can be painful, the results do last longer and the more frequently do it, the less you’ll notice the pain while appreciating the results it brings.
  • If you’ve ever thought about shaving your arms, read this first.

Do you shave missed hairs after waxing or do you have a better way to deal with remaining hairs? Let us know in the comments below!

Carl Mueller

I'm a bald guy with beard (goatee) who blogs about shaving, head shaving, style and grooming ideas for men.

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