Can I Bring Shaving Cream On A Plane?

Can I bring shaving cream on a plane?

Short answer, yes.

Longer answer, not so fast.

Can I bring shaving cream on a plane isn’t really a yes or no question. The quick answer is that yes you can bring shaving cream on a plane because you can always pack shaving cream in your checked luggage.

But can I bring shaving cream on a plane in my carry on bag is probably the question you’re really asking. Since shaving cream may come in liquid, aerosol, soap, or tube form it may depend on the local laws you’re subject to in the country you’re travelling to and the specific airline you’re on.

When you travel to the airport the last thing you want to do is worry about whether or not your shaving cream is going to get flagged and removed from your carry on bag. So the easy answer is: Put your shaving cream and razor in your checked luggage.

But what do the actual rules say about what you can bring on an aircraft with you for your shaving cream needs?

TSA Rules

TSA has determined that liquids, aerosols and gels, in limited quantities, are safe to bring aboard aircraft. So it is important to remember that all liquid, aerosol and gel items must be stored in containers 3.4 ounce or smaller.

All of the 3.4 ounce containers must fit in a sealed 1-quart, clear plastic, zip-top bag, and only one plastic zip-top bag is permitted per passenger inside carry-on baggage.


So you can pack small quantities of 3.4 ounces or less in your carry on bag. But unless you’re planning on shaving on the plane, why bother? At the end of the day, you’re at the mercy of the TSA rep (or other security agent in a foreign country) that you deal with. If they don’t allow something on the plane, it’s not going on the plane regardless of what the quote above refers to.

If you want to travel with your full-size aerosol containers of antiperspirant, hairspray, suntan lotion, shaving cream, and hair mousse, you can do so by packing them in your checked baggage.

Shaving Cream Options

Shaving soap with brush.

Aerosol can: The most commonly used shaving cream options for men. Shaving cream or gel in a pressurized can is the product most of us probably started shaving with. You generally won’t have a problem bringing a pressurized can on a plane in your checked luggage but confirm ahead of time with the airline and country(-ies) you’re travelling to just to be safe. You can have issues bringing a can – even a travel-sized can – in your hand luggage but even if you are permitted, you’re not shaving on the plane anyways are you? Might as check it in your luggage along with sunscreen, deodorant and other liquid stuff you’re bringing onboard.

Shaving cream soap: Typically in bar format it’s just like a regular bar of soap but specific for shaving. You wet your hands, soap in up with the bar of soap and apply the lather to your face directly or with a shaving cream brush/bowl. The great thing about bar soap is that it won’t leak or spray accidentally like a pressurized can. And it’s small and compact and can easily be dropped into a suitcase with no trouble.

Shaving cream tube: Shaving cream in a tube is just like a tube of toothpaste. Which you probably also bring on a plane and most likely put in your checked luggage, correct? As a side note, I’ve found that shaving cream in a tube (you can read my reviews on Wilkinson and Palmolive tubed shaving cream products) are very good quality products and since they come in a small tube, they easily fit into an existing shaving bag or toiletries bag. They tend to be much smaller than a regular-sized can of shaving cream.

NOTE: Regardless of what you bring with you – a can, bar of soap or tube of shaving cream – make sure you pack it (particularly the canned products) in a resealable plastic bag just in case it leaks. You don’t want your whole suitcase full of shaving cream, sunblock, aftershave, toothpaste or other liquids you packed.

Bring An Electric Shaver

There’s a super simple way to avoid shaving cream all together. You can buy shaving cream at your final destination and not bother bringing any.

Or you could bring an electric shaver and skip the shaving cream completely. Just remember to bring your charger, too.


  • The TSA has specific rules on bringing shaving cream and other liquids onboard aircraft as described above. Other travel authorities around the world have their own rules too so it’s best to check ahead of time so you know what you’re dealing with.
  • While shaving cream in a pressurized can is the most widely sold option, a bar of soap of shaving cream or a tube of shaving cream is a compact and safe way to bring shaving cream on an aircraft.
  • In general terms the easiest way to bring shaving cream on a plane is to put in your checked luggage inside a resealable plastic bag to keep it from leaking and ruining your clothes.
  • You can also consider travelling with an electric shaver and skipping shaving cream completely or simply buying shaving cream when you arrive at your final destination.
  • Check out my other post concerning the issue of bringing razor blades on your plane trip and your alternatives for this related topic.

How do you deal with shaving cream when you travel? Let us know in the comments below.

Carl Mueller

I'm a bald guy with beard (goatee) who blogs about shaving, head shaving, style and grooming ideas for men.

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