Before and After Shaving Your Head (Most Important Steps)

A nicely bearded man

Let’s focus on what to do before and after shaving your head. More specifically, what specific considerations are there to think about before you take a razor to your head and what do you need to do once you’re done?

The good news about shaving your head is that if you don’t like the look, you just let it grow back!

Before You Shave Your Head

Before you shave your head.
Read this before you shave my hair off…

Sensitive Skin

Do you have sensitive skin?

Do you notice skin irritation when you shave your face?

Does your skin easily dry?

Do you experience ingrown hairs?

If any of these apply to you, take care when shaving your head especially if you’re doing it frequently. The more you shave the more you run the risk of irritating and drying out your skin. Consider a moisturizer after shaving and try out different brands of razor and shaving cream.

Also, shave slowly the first few times as you get experienced with do it. I’ve been shaving my head since 1995 and I admit I go quite quickly at this point. To start with, take it easy and go slowly.

Pay particular attention to the sides of your head above the ear and the back of your head. I find these are the areas that tend to get cut while shaving.

Check out my post on shaving cuts that discuss my ear cutting experience…

Your Head Shape

Some head shapes suit head shaving more than others. You’ll have to decide for yourself if you have a good one.

Your body type will also impact how your overall look ends up with a shaved head. Having a shaved head does tend to look good on those with muscular, fit, lean body types.

But even if you don’t have that sort of body, a shaved head can help to improve your look over a balding look which tends to make you additionally look older.


Do you have head scars that will be visible or moles that that could get cut when shaving?

Do you get acne on your head which – gross to say – will cut and bleed when you shave your head?

What about ingrown hairs? Is that something you deal with.

These are some other things that come into play when shaving your head that you should consider.

In these cases, consider a better quality razor with lubricating strip(s) and a sensitive skin shaving cream.

Other Considerations

Some people like to apply pre-shave lotion and things of that nature before shaving. I’ve never done this myself so I can’t comment on it.

If you wet your head in the shower with hot water before shaving to moisten your hair, you should be fine in most cases and can avoid using additional products unless you want to.

After You Shave Your Head

Here are some thoughts for after you shave your head.

After Head Shaving Care

When you’ve finished shaving your head – I shave my head in the shower – rinse your head with cold water to get rid of remaining shaving cream and to close your pores.

Warm water opens your pores and cold water closes them.

Use moisturizer or aftershave if desired. Moisturizer is especially good if you generally get dry skin.

Check your skin for cuts and nicks. You can buy products to help take care of cuts but in a fix, daub a bit of Vaseline or even shaving cream on them to clot them. When the bleeding stops, wipe it clean and gently apply moisturizer.

And again, remember sunblock and a hat during sunny weather. As mentioned, your shaved head makes you more likely to be a candidate for skin cancer, sun spots, wrinkles and other longer term skin damage.


When you have hair, your scalp has a natural defence against the sun. When you shave your head, you run the risk of sunburn and longer term skin damage due to the sun ray’s. Bring sunblock and grab a hat when you’re at the beach, golfing or otherwise experiencing hot sunny weather.

Having a sunburned head myself a few times when I didn’t take my own advice, it hurts like hell, your head looks like a tomato if you have light skin and takes a few days to heal.

Having a shaved head can increase your chance of skin cancer and long term skin damage if you don’t protect your bald scalp. The top of your head is particularly susceptible since the skin is very tight and thin and the sun is shining directly down on top of it.

Rinse and Repeat

Perhaps you’ll shave your head every day. You might shave every two days which is generally what I do.

Once I get to day 3 without shaving my head, I found that the hair has gotten too long and it’s a bit more difficult. I try to avoid going 3 days without shaving my head.

Your situation depends on how much hair you still have on your head and how quickly it grows.


  • Before you shave your head, think about what you experience during shaving your face that might also be an issue ie. ingrown hairs, sensitive skin, etc
  • Shave your head slowly certainly until you feel comfortable doing it. Shave in front of a mirror if you need to see what you’re doing.
  • Get a good quality razor and shaving cream. Some guys use a preshaving lotion if they have sensitive skin and an after shaving product some as a moisturizer to prevent dry skin.
  • Don’t forget when you shave your head, your head is now susceptible to sun damage. Sunblock and a hat = necessary.

What do you do before and after you shave your head? Let us know in the comments below!

Carl Mueller

I'm a bald guy with beard (goatee) who blogs about shaving, head shaving, style and grooming ideas for men.

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