5 Reasons to Avoid A Hair Replacement System (2020)

5 reasons to avoid a hair replacement system

I can think of 5 reasons to avoid a hair replacement system to deal with hair loss and they are all based on personal experience.

I talk about my 2+ year experience with a hair replacement system here.

A hair replacement system is a high end toupee or wig designed with real hair (usually) woven into a nylon mesh. The hair replacement system is affixed to your scalp to cover up the bald spot(s). It is designed to match your hair colour and texture and to be unnoticeable to the naked eye.

Gone are the days where fake looking toupees and wigs were used by men (and women) to hide hair loss.

That doesn’t mean hair replacement systems are worth the “investment” and should be considered.

Here are 5 reasons to avoid a hair replacement system so you can weight the pros and cons.

They are expensive ($$$)

The cost of a hair replacement system is not cheap.

My first hair replacement system cost about $1,500 and that was in 1992. I have no idea what they cost today but I imagine the price has gone up.

After less than 2 years, the hair replacement system needed to be replaced. They only last about 2 years if you’re lucky but need to be replaced as they start to look fake.

I was given a small discount and paid $1,300 for the replacement because it didn’t last as long as it should have. So in 2 years I spent $2,800 just for the systems themselves and that’s not including the ongoing maintenance costs…

They require maintenance (more $$$)

Hair replacement systems are somewhat like your own scalp: They lose hair with washing, brushing etc and need to be maintained. This costs you time and money. They need to be maintained every few months which for me, involved a 1 hour+ appointment.

I had to go back to the installer company every 8 weeks for this sort of maintenance appointment.

The hair replacement system is removed from your scalp, your hair is washed and trimmed, new hair is added to the system and it is reaffixed to your scalp.

For about $100 per appointment, from memory.

They can lead to more anxiety not less


Part of the reason for getting a hair replacement system is to handle the anxiety, embarrassment and inferiority you face with your hair loss.

But what if getting a hair replacement system increases your anxiety?

What if you now wonder what people are thinking when they look at you and suspect they may know you have “something” on your head?

I did.

In fact I actually had one person ask me “do you wear a hair piece” after I’d had the system for close to two years. That was the catalyst for me to get rid of it. And I’d gone with one of the more expensive and reputable companies in the market, not a cheap one.

They might affect your lifestyle

I like swimming but didn’t feel comfortable getting my hair wet anymore in public after I got a hair replacement system.

And what about on a windy day with your hair blowing around? Think that could cause some trouble if your hair system is a bit loose? That’s another reason they need to be maintained! They get loose over time.

Do you have occasions where people touch your hair, friends grab you in a headlock or have other physical contact with your head? These are all times where people might accidentally find out you have a hair system.

If you workout and sweat a lot, you should also be aware of the difficulty keeping your scalp clean, among other concerns a hair system brings.

Hair replacement systems only mask the problem

A hair replacement system doesn’t address the root cause of baldness, it just hides it. It’s akin to getting a bigger bucket to bail out a leaking boat rather than fixing the hole.

You’re better off visiting a doctor first to get a check up to see if your baldness has an underlying reason. Then you can figure out how to (better) deal with it.


  • There are a number of main reasons to avoid a hair replacement system but in general, it’s a bandaid solution that is expensive.
  • Getting a hair replacement system is a costly endeavor with a large up front cost.
  • Hair replacement systems need to regularly maintained which is a secondary, ongoing cost.
  • The system wears out over time and will need to be replaced which is another sunk cost.
  • It’s not a solution. It just masks the problem.
  • Once you have a hair replacement system, you need to stick with it to keep up appearances.

What other reasons to avoid a hair replacement system can you think of? Let us know in the comments below!

Carl Mueller

I'm a bald guy with beard (goatee) who blogs about shaving, head shaving, style and grooming ideas for men.

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