5 Considerations For How To Deal With Balding

Can't grow beard on cheeks?

How to deal with balding is something that many men will have to face at some point in their lives. Most men will face noticeable hair loss. The older you get, the more likely you will experience it. What you do about it – and when – is key.

Here are 5 considerations for how to deal with balding.

Deal With It Sooner Rather Than Later

Speak with a doctor to ensure you don’t have an underlying health issue. If you have an iron deficiency or some other problem, the sooner you find out the better.

Dealing with it sooner rather than later also means you can make a smoother transition from bald(ing) to having a fuller head of hair. If you wanted to pursue a hair transplant or hair replacement system for example, it’ll be less noticeable when you go ahead with your chosen procedure!

Less questions to answer from friends and family when you see you for the first time after the procedure.

Some Hair Loss Decisions Are Reversible

Remember that some hair loss decisions can be reversed. If you shave your head and don’t like it, it’ll grow back! The remaining hair you have, I mean.

Same goes if you take the hair clippers out and give yourself a buzzcut. It’ll grow back if you don’t like the look. At least you tried and if you find out the look doesn’t suit you, you can grow your remaining hair back again.

If you do nothing now, there is nothing stopping you from shaving your head or looking at a hair transplant or whatever in the near future.

The sooner you do something though, the sooner you can take care of the problem.

The Mental Aspect of How To Deal With Balding

These days, balding men and shaved headed men are of course everywhere. It’s not a big deal to be bald.

But what if it’s a big deal to you?

How to deal with balding. Deal with it before it becomes very noticeable.

A full head of hair is often associated with virility, attraction, masculinity and other positive attributes.

Bald jokes still abound though. You can’t get into trouble for making a bald joke about men. Some people are only attracted to men with full heads of hair, too.

Does your baldness bother you? Does it cause you stress and feelings of inferiority? Do you work in an industry where looks and beauty are considered important to success?

How embarrassed would you be if it was discovered that you wear a hair replacement system or had a hair transplant?

Don’t Assume Other People Care

While going bald might bother you, does it bother people around you? Does your significant other care? Do you care what these people think?

In my 27+ years of shaving my head, I can think of maybe one instance where someone asked me about my personal hair loss. I can’t even remember the exact situation or person that made a smart ass comment but I think it might have happened once.

Did I care? No. Couldn’t have cared less what they thought.

Don’t Do The Following

Don’t “solve” the problem by wearing a hat. It’s not an answer. The more you wear a hat the more you’ll need to wear the hat to deal with balding. And you can’t wear a hat in all social settings.

Don’t do a combover. It never looked good at any point in history.

Don’t go cheap. Cheap hair transplants and hair systems and wigs are noticeable and embarrassing. Especially when people notice and ask you about it.

Don’t grow your hair long. The longer your hair, the more noticeable your hair loss. Keeping hair short tends to take away from your baldness and make it less visible to others.


  • Deal with hair loss sooner rather than later.
  • If you don’t like the look of a shaved head, it’ll grow back but at least you tried.
  • Consider the mental anguish or embarrassment that balding causes you when figuring out what to do.
  • Do other people care about your baldness and do you care what they think?
  • Don’t wear a hat or do a combover. The shorter your hair the less noticeable your baldness.
  • Remember that hair grows in cycles.

How to deal with balding? Are you currently trying to figure it out? Let us know in the comments below!

Carl Mueller

I'm a bald guy with beard (goatee) who blogs about shaving, head shaving, style and grooming ideas for men.

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